The earthquake of 2012 was devastating in Haiti.
· 3.5 million people were displaced
· 300,000+ people died
· 1.5 million people became homeless
· Aid response brought Cholera, which has killed over 6,000 people
· On top of this Hurricane Sandy, has impacted more than 1.5 million of the country’s people.
The world mourned and gave in support of the Haitian people. We gave $4.5 billion dollars on donations to Haiti. Two years later, only half the aid has been spent and Haitians are stilling living in tent cities without access to medical care. Sadly, this neglect, is not unfamiliar to Haitians. Since its independence Haiti has struggled to achieve true independence from the United States, Canada and France. The United States, since the 1900’s has taken imperialist and racist policies which have affected Haitians socially and economically. The earthquake relief efforts and aid, from USAID (US Agency for International Development) prove these imperialist policies have taken the form of charity.
African Americans can identify with such policies! The disaster that was FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina is one example. Police repression and the shutting down of schools felt in Black and Haitian communities are other examples. It is vital for people of the African Diaspora to connect. We share parallel struggles!
To create the change needed to impact our lives, individually, socially and globally, we need to engage in dialogue, education and action together. InSolidarity, The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), Haiti Action Committee and Haiti Emergency Relief Fund are partnering to send a delegation of African American women to Haiti in 2013. Creating an alternative relief network, that encourages sustainable, direct and concrete aid. In this delegation we will engage with Haitians and learn first-hand how we can work together, through aid and advocacy.
As a part of the project we will keep Delegation Journals discussing our experiences preparing for this experience. We will discuss the trainings, forums and events we attend. We will also discuss our various fundraising efforts, one of which is the BAJI Holiday Auction, “Buy Black, Benefit BAJI”, hosted by Ebay. In this auction BAJI, InSolidarity and community members and partners will sell art and handicrafts by people of the African Diaspora. Items for the Haiti Delegation will be marked, and we received 80% of the revenue from that sell!
The auction begins November 23, 2012 and ends December 18, 2012, International Migrants Day. Please help up go to Haiti and donate art or buy art in the Auction!
To learn more about InSolidarity continue to follow our Delegation Journals or check out our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/InSolidarity.